Dear Parents and Armbrae Community Members:
Welcome Back! We’ve had a great start to the New Year, and the Winter term ahead is chock full of learning activities and social events for the entire community.
This edition of the TWA includes reminders about inclement weather procedures, we’ve highlighted some exciting events for you, you get a chance to tell us about your family’s experiences with homework, and of course there is loads of information available from Divisions and Departments.
Strategic Plan
We will launch the Plan this month with a number of key events listed below. The event on January 26th, is a family event that we would love to see you attend. Bring the kids, have an informal supper together, and Mr. Clarke will go through the Plan in detail. This is an important moment for our School since we’re closing the loop on this process and publicly committing to a set of promises that we are making to each other. This is a RSVP event, and families that attend will receive their own coffee table hard copy of the Plan!
Inclement Weather - Normal School Closure Procedures
In cases of inclement weather or power outages, Armbrae may choose to close the school if the safety of our community is at risk. Under normal circumstances, the decision to close school will be communicated by 6:00am the morning of the closure in the following ways:
- CBC Radio One (90.5 FM)
- CBC Storm Watch
- Pushpage (email bulletin) to the community
- Social media channels - FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter
Designer Purse Bingo: Saturday, February 25, 2023
We are excited to announce that on February 25th, our Armbrae Parents’ Association will be hosting the first annual “Designer Purse Bingo” fundraiser in the AARC. Tickets are $50 per person and include a welcome beverage, bingo daubers, and 10 game cards. You can purchase your tickets here. We are hoping to sell 250 tickets, so bring your friends and join the chance to win a designer bag!
Is Your Child Going to be Absent?
Please let us know if your child is going to be absent or late by contacting Mrs. Langille or Ms. Smith by 9am on the day of the expected absence:
- Lower & Middle School: Mrs. Langille ( | 902.423.7920)
- Upper School: Ms. Smith ( | 782.641.3834)
January and February Highlights
- January 16th: African Heritage Month launches at Basketball game
- January 17th: Strategic Plan launch to Faculty and Staff
- January 18th: Girls Basketball Senior’s Night
- January 24th: Strategic Plan Launch to students (special assembly)
- January 26th: Strategic Plan Launch Party (bring the whole family for pizza and receive your own hard copy of the Plan).
- January 27th: CAIS PD Day - no school
- February 7th: Boys Basketball Senior’s Night
- February 25th: Designer Purse Bingo- Purchase Tickets here
Homework Survey - Lower School, Middle School & Upper School
We are interested in learning more about homework and how it affects our students and families. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey for each of your children by Wednesday, January 18th.
Division Updates
Foundation Years - Rebecca Cornick
Happy News Year! We are excited to announce that all 3 classes of the Foundation Years have filled their kindness jars to the brim! We will be celebrating the kind students with pyjamas, costume parties and a disco dance.
The 3 classes are looking forward to joining together to have a celebration for the Lunar New Year. We will be making decorations for our classrooms, learning about the Year of the Rabbit and welcoming a special guest to talk to us about their special traditions.
Lower School - Tara Burt
Happy New Year! We were very excited to welcome everyone back to school last week! In music, Lower School students are working hard learning songs on a variety of instruments. On Thursday, February 16th at 2:15pm, the Lower School will perform these instrumental music pieces for each other in the AARC. Parents are welcome to attend. The show should be approximately 30-45 mins.
Middle School - Stephanie Sajatovich
Happy New Year! It’s been a great start to the year so far. We always look for opportunities to celebrate our students, so please share your child’s achievements with their advisor. Middle School students, here are a few reminders from your teachers:
- Please dress warmly to enjoy the outdoors during recess and lunch in the winter.
- Remember to bring your guitars to school for music class.
- Please come to school with your laptops charged (note: chargers are no longer available at school).
- If you are away, please follow along on Brightspace and reach out to your teachers with any questions or concerns.
- Middle School students switched their Arts focus last Friday. Grade 7s are now studying Art and Grade 8s Drama.
Upper School - Ally Read
Course Selection Information
Virtual information sessions will be held for parents/guardians of current students to learn more about course selection for the 2023/24 school year. Please make note of the following dates and times:
- Parents/guardians of current Grade 10 & 11 students: Tuesday, January 17th (6:30-7:30pm)
- Parents/guardians of current Grade 8 & 9 students: Tuesday, January 24th (6:30-7:30pm)
Links will be sent out via email the day of each presentation, and a recording of each presentation will be sent along with the 2023/24 Course Selection Handbook following each event. Students will have similar presentations in Career Education classes over the next two weeks, and are welcome but do not need to attend the evening sessions.
CAIS Student Leadership Conference
Leadership Advisors and student leaders are invited to the CAIS Senior School Student Leadership Conference from April 27th, 28th and 29th, 2023 at Rothesay Netherwood School in Rothesay, New Brunswick. Students and parents/guardians can find more information here and interested students must complete the Student Application by Friday, January 20th.
On Wednesday, February 22nd, Grade 10 students will be writing the PSAT 10 as part of our Career and University Guidance program. Students will be learning more about the PSAT 10 and completing some practice questions in Career Education classes over the coming weeks; parents/guardians can see this information here.
Athletics - Susan Beazley
Please check the School Calendar for all practices and games. For more information, please contact Susan Beazley at 902-423-7920 ext 229 or email
- Junior High Girls and Boys basketball teams start League play today.
- Sr. Girls and Boys basketball teams continue playing games.
- Our Hockey team is in a tournament on January 26th and 27th at St. Margarets Bay.
- Our Junior Osprey basketball teams play in the ACIS Tournament on January 20th and 21st at HGS and Sacred Heart.
Ski Club
CANCELLED for this week due to weather conditions. (All refunds will be done at the end of the Ski season) Good news - we do still have a few spaces left if you are interested in registering for the remaining 6 weeks.
Fridays: January, 20th and 27th, February 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th. Students will leave the school by bus at 3:30pm and return to the school by 10:00pm. For students in Grades 5 - 12.
Registration Open HERE closes Jan 16th.
Auxiliary Programmes - Ashley Matthews-Duffett or 902-471-1993.
You will find all the information you need for Co-curricular programmes, CAS opportunities, camps and more:
- Check out our Newsletter HERE
- PD Camp for Jan 27th and Feb 6th Registration opens Jan 11th
- March Break Goalie 101 Camp Registration opens Jan 11th
- March Break Camps Registration opens Jan 11th
- Discount Code for Armbrae Families; WELOVEARMBRAE
- Registration Site HERE
***Do you or someone you know play Chess? We are looking for someone who would be interested in offering a 6 week club to our students after school 3:30-4:30pm. Contact Ashley at for more info!
Armbrae Garden Team
Calling on all parents with a green thumb! If you have experience working in your vegetable or flower garden and would like to help out on the Armbrae Garden Team, we need you! We are looking for volunteers to assist in choosing seeds, building wooden garden structures, coming up with fencing ideas and establishing a pollinator garden etc. If you are interested in helping, please contact Madame Brown at
APA Updates
Happy 2023 everyone! In this edition of TWA, the APA would like to highlight some upcoming events and volunteer opportunities!
The APA is always looking for parent volunteers! Please take a look at our Sign-Up Genius page for all our current opportunities - there are plenty!
Armbrae’s first annual Designer Purse Bingo is scheduled for Saturday, February 25th! Doors open at 6:00pm and the first game will start at 7pm. We need your help to make this event a success. How can you help?
- Buy tickets!
This will be a fun night out for friends and community! Tickets are $50 each, or $300/table! Bring your friends and have a chance to win a fabulous designer bag! Get your tickets here
- Donate!
We are looking for community sponsors, silent auction and door prizes!
- Volunteer!
Volunteers are needed for set-up and during the event itself! We will include a link to the event specific sign-up genius in the next TWA!
Can’t wait to see you there!
The APA is happy to announce that Teacher Treat Fridays are back! Each Friday from January through to the end of the school year the APA looks for 1-2 parents to bring in treats/snacks to show our appreciation to all the hard working teachers and staff members. The items can be homemade or store bought, we only ask that they remain nut free. If you would like to sign up please check the Sign-up Genius link above to find available dates!
The next Tuck Shop will be held on Friday, January 13th during lunch. Parent volunteers will be selling school-safe treats and healthy options as an ongoing fundraiser for the work of the APA. Treats range from .50 to $2.50. The shop will continue to be cash only. Parent volunteers are needed between 11:15am-12:20pm on Fridays. If you are available please check the Sign-up Genius link above to find available dates!
A reminder that the APA is always looking for used uniforms. These items can be dropped at the school at any point throughout the week and will be put towards our next Used Uniform Sale!
The APA is organizing a used book sale. Please drop off any preloved books (children’s, fiction, non-fiction, etc.) you would like to donate to this cause to the school during the week.