Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024
A Note from Mr. Clarke
New Year’s Resolutions – Your Strategic Plan for 2024
Dear Armbrae Families and Community Members:
Like you, I’ve been asked several times (this week) to declare what my goals are for 2024. When we get to thinking about new year’s resolutions, we generally focus on doing more of some things and less of others. For this particular exercise, a framework can help us steer our thinking and go beyond new year’s resolution style thinking into more of a personal strategic plan mode. One of my favourite leadership coaches suggests using a framework called Voice, Centre, Path, Toolbox.
No one shares your unique blend of DNA, experiences and passions. Regardless of age or stage, find your voice.
What foundation have you built your life on? There are an infinite number of options to choose from including: faith, family, achievements, money/salary, job title, education, connections, talents, etc. As Martin Luther King said, without a firm centre, our points of view, morals, and goals are subject to every wind of change. But with a firm centre, confidence, peace, and contentment can guide us in our lives and in our work – regardless of the circumstances around us.
What are your goals, your targets, your purpose in life? What is your vision that pushes you forward into the future? Determining where your life is headed is much easier when you’ve found your voice and established a firm foundation for your life.
Through our partnership with Dr. Michael Ungar, we learned about how resilience depends on the rugged qualities that reside within us, and the resources we can tap into. Your toolbox (resources) could include things like: knowledge, experience, skills, work ethic, access to services, supportive relationships, identity, sense of control, your environment, routines, work culture etc. Dr. Ungar encourages us to identify our resources and to go get them when necessary.
A year ago, we released our Strategic plan entitled: Unleash Your Potential. As a community, we worked together to identify our Mission, Vision, and Values – that is, what we do, why we do it, and how we do it. Similarly, I am hoping that the Voice, Centre, Path, Toolbox framework can help you create your strategic plan for 2024.
Have fun!
Important Upcoming Dates
January Dates:
- Friday, January 5th: First Day of Ski Club
- Thursday, January 11th: APA Multicultural Dinner RSVP here
- Tuesday, January 16th: APA Meeting - 6:00pm at Oxford Campus
- Wednesday, January 17th: Be Kind, Work Hard Assembly (Number 1 Uniform)
- Thursday, January 18th; Round 3 Co Curriculars open for registration at 7pm
- Friday, January 19th: IWK Casual Day
- Friday, January 26th: PD Day - School Closed. Register for camp here
Join Us for Bell Let's Talk Day - Seeking Volunteers!
We are excited to announce that Armbrae will be hosting a Bell Let's Talk Day event in support of mental health. Bell Let's Talk Day is a nationwide initiative that aims to raise understanding about mental health, break down stigma, and promote open conversations surrounding mental well-being. This year, we’re looking for student volunteers to help organize the event. If you’re interested in coordinating activities, contributing ideas, or just joining in on the conversation, sign up here. Thank you for your commitment to mental health awareness at Armbrae. *Please note: Open to Armbrae students and staff only. Student volunteers must be in Grades 9 - 12.
Auxiliary Department
Check out what is happening in CAS - Newsletter HERE
Ski Club for 2024
- We still have a few spots open
- Register now for Ski Club. Open to students in Grades 5-12. Friday nights for 7 weeks starting January 5th.
- Please complete this waiver and return to the school office by January 4th.
- If your child needs to rent equipment please complete this form and return to the main office by January 4th.
March Break Osprey Camps
- Register HERE
- Armbrae Family Discount: WELOVEARMBRAE
- We are excited to offer camps for both weeks for Grades PP-6.
- Learn more at
Foundation Years, Lower School and Middle School
Happy New Year! We were excited to see all the students return to school after a wonderful break. Just a few friendly reminders:
- Please ensure that you pack cutlery in your child’s lunch. Hot lunches do not come with cutlery.
- We go outside every day, multiple times a day. It is important that your child is dressed appropriately for the cold weather and the snow. Your child needs boots, snow pants, hats and mitts every day at school. It is also a good idea to pack more than one pair of mitts or gloves and socks in case they get wet. Please label all items :)
- Senior Girls Basketball Game - Thursday, January 4th - AARC - 6pm
- Check Calendar for All Team Games & Practices
APA Information
- January APA Meeting: Tuesday, January 16th at 6:00pm at the Oxford Campus.
- Reminder! The Multicultural Dinner will be on Thursday, January 11th at 6:00pm. Click here to sign up
- The APA is also looking for volunteers to contribute to Teacher Treat Fridays. Every year, the Armbrae Parents' Association organizes weekly treats for our amazing staff and teachers.
- How it works:
- Volunteers are scheduled to provide treats on a specific Friday between January and June. They choose what kind of treats they would like to bring, and drop off the treats on Friday morning before 10:00am, in the staff room. Treats need to feed about 50 staff, and can be anything from baked goods, veggies/fruit, pizza, etc. homemade or store-bought. If you'd like to contribute to Teacher Treat Fridays, please sign-up here.
- Save the Date! Saturday, February 24th: Designer Purse Bingo. Tickets will go on sale soon so keep your eyes peeled for more information.
Armbrae Academy
Oxford Campus: 1400 Oxford St, Halifax, NS B3H 3Y8 ~ 902-423-7920
Coburg Campus: 6430 Coburg Rd, Halifax NS, B3H 2A6 ~ 782-641-3834
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