A Note from Mr. Clarke
Dear Armbrae Families and Community Members,
There is a lot going on this month - both inside and outside the world of Armbrae.
This year, Passover (Pesach in Hebrew) takes place from April 22nd to 30th. The dates shift annually due to the lunar Hebrew calendar, occurring in the month of Nisan. It is a significant holiday in Judaism, and a central text in both the Hebrew Bible (Tenakh) and the Christian Old Testament. The story begins with the Israelites settled and thriving in Egypt's Goshen province. As their population begins to grow, a fearful pharaoh orders their enslavement and the systematic drowning of their firstborn sons in the Nile. Moses (a Hebrew baby), rescued by the pharaoh's daughter and raised in the Egyptian royal family, discovers his heritage and confronts the pharaoh with divine demands for the freedom of his people. When the Pharaoh refuses, God unleashes 10 plagues on the Egyptians. However, the Israelites mark the door frames of their homes with lamb’s blood so that the angel of death will recognize and “pass over” each Jewish household. Freed at last, the Israelites flee Egypt, miraculously crossing the Red Sea as it parts, then closes, drowning their pursuers.
During Passover, observant Jews remove leavened foods (chametz), eat unleavened matzo, and hold seders. The seder meal includes a plate at the centre of the table containing Passover foods connected to the Exodus story. These can include matzo, bitter herbs, a lamb shankbone and a mixture of fruit, nuts and wine known as charoset, which represents the mortar Jews used while bonding bricks as slaves in Egypt.
CAIS + TABS Student Experience Survey
During the month of May, Armbrae students and alumni will participate in the School Life in Focus Student Experience Survey administered by CAIS (Canadian Accredited Independent Schools) and TABS (The Association of Boarding Schools). As you know, we are members of CAIS, and both CAIS and TABS are non-profit organizations that help schools improve their programming and experience for students and families. To support their mission of ongoing school improvement, they are undertaking a multinational research study on student experience in grades 8-12 in the domains of educational experience, wellness, and school culture.
This comprehensive and confidential survey will allow them to gather anonymized data from students and recent alumni. The patterns from these data will help schools learn what works and what needs improvement. Students will have the opportunity to provide input anonymously to support the research efforts of school improvement. All data will be collected and stored securely and no individually identifiable information is gathered.
The survey itself takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and will be done here at School under supervision on or around May 1st to ensure that students have support as needed in understanding and answering questions. Results from the survey will be shared with Heads of Schools in late 2024 to early 2025.
If you support your child’s participation in the survey, you do not need to respond. If you have any concerns about the survey and would like your child to opt out, please email Mrs. Margo Langille (Grade 8 students) or Ms. Denise Smith (Grade 9-12 students). If you would like to see the survey questions please click here.
Upcoming Armbrae Highlights
As usual, there is a lot for you to read in the rest of this edition of the TWA. I would like to highlight three of them, including Parent-Teacher Conferences on the 18th and 19th, the Readers Rumble on the 25th, and Sue Beazley’s Retirement Celebration on Armbrae’s birthday - May 4th.
Speaking of Sue, just this week she received a very special lifetime achievement award (46 years!) at the CAIS National Leaders Conference in Vancouver. This award was presented to her by Donovan Bailey, who was one of the keynote speakers at the event.

That’s it from me for now. Please enjoy reading the rest of this edition.
Important Upcoming Dates
- Thursday, April 18th: PS-Grade 12 Parent Teacher Conferences - 4pm-9pm
- Thursday, April 18th: Early Dismissal at 3:15pm - No Co-Curriculars or PlayLab/StudyLab **ALL children must be picked up at 3:15.
- Friday, April 19th: PS-Grade 12 Parent Teacher Conferences - 9am-3pm
- Friday, April 19th: No Classes for Students - All Divisions
- Friday, April 19th: Parent Teacher Camps - PP-G6 - 9am-4:30pm
- Monday, April 22nd - Friday, April 26th: Literary Arts Week & Scholastic Book Fair
- Wednesday, April 24th: House Colour Day & House Prefect Campaign Speeches
- Thursday, April 25th: Readers Rumble at Coburg - 1:00 - 3:00pm
- Thursday, April 25th: Lower & Middle School Open House - 6:00pm - Oxford Campus
Looking Ahead & Save the Dates:
- Friday, May 3rd: Grandparents’ Day & Lower School Musical
- Saturday, May 4th: Susan Beazley’s Retirement Celebration
- Monday, May 6th - Friday, May 17th: AP Exams
- Monday, May 20th: Victoria Day - School Closed
- Tuesday, May 21st: Celebration of Sport - 6:00pm in the AARC
- Friday, May 24th: Middle School Showcase of the Arts
- Wednesday, June 5th - Friday, June 14th: Armbrae Exams (Grades 9-12)
- Thursday, June 6th, Tuesday, June 11th, Thursday, June 13th: Middle School Exams
- Friday, June 14th: Middle School Field Trip to BIO and Tufts Cove - stay tuned!
- Friday, June 14th - Sunday June 16th: Duke of Edinburgh Silver Adventurous Journey (Club Program)
- Monday June 17th - Tuesday June 18th: Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Adventurous Journey (Grade 10 Physical Education Program)
- Monday, June 17th: No classes
- Wednesday, June 19th: Celebration of Learning
General Announcements
Susan Beazley Retirement Celebration: Saturday, May 4th
Join us on Saturday, May 4th at 6:00pm in the AARC to celebrate Susan’s retirement after 46 years at Armbrae Academy. We look forward to welcoming all of the people Susan has impacted over the years and celebrating her legacy at Armbrae. This event is open to all community members and we would love to see you there. Please click here to RSVP.
Readers Rumble
We are excited to welcome 9 teams to Armbrae Academy for the inaugural Middle School Readers Rumble on Thursday, April 25th from 1:00 - 3:30pm.
We are excited to announce that Andre Fenton - local author extraordinaire - will be our keynote speaker at 1 PM! After his 10 minute pump up speech, we'll turn things over to Nick Szymanis - founding director of Debate Camp - to act as our Quiz Master.
This event will be held at Armbrae's Coburg Campus, and parents are welcome to attend.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Lower School Parent teacher interviews will be at the main campus at Oxford and Middle and Upper School Interviews will all be in the AARC. Please note that all students will be dismissed at 3:15pm on Thursday, April 18th and there will be no co-curriculars or after school programming on that day. There is no school for students on Friday, April 19th.
Armbrae Academy Presents: Shrek The Musical Jr! Friday, May 3rd
Our Lower School Musical will take place on Friday, May 3rd. This year we are very excited to be presenting Shrek The Musical Jr! Performances will take place at 1:30pm and 6:30pm. All students from Primary to Grade 6 are involved in the show so it is important that all students are at both performances. Please see the important email from Rana Sarraf about costumes and be sure to bring in any necessary items to your homeroom teacher.
Flower Sale
If you are interested in purchasing flowers for your child(ren) to receive after the play, you can purchase them here. If you have any questions, please reach out to apa@armbrae.ns.ca
Grandparents’ Day: Friday, May 3rd
If you are planning on attending our Grandparents’ Day celebration, please RSVP here.
Armbrae Open House: Thursday, April 25th at 6:00pm
On Thursday, April 25th at 6:00pm we will be hosting an open house for Lower & Middle School. If you have any friends or family members who may be interested in Armbrae and Independent school education, please spread the word. You can RSVP here or reach out to Suzanne Morrison if you have any additional questions. smorrison@armbrae.ns.ca.
Lower and Middle School Hot Dog Sale!
The Graduation Class of 2024 is having a hot dog sale on Friday, May 10th as a final fundraiser to raise money for their graduation dinner and dance. Hot dogs will cost $2 each and must be preordered. There is a limit of 2 per person and they will be delivered to classrooms at the beginning of lunch. Please fill out the Order Form by Friday, May 3rd at 4:00pm to ensure you get your hot dogs!
Armbrae Run Club
Armbrae’s Run Club is back! Students in Grades 2-12 are invited to join Mr. Jager and Ms. Cornick to go for a run every Tuesday and Thursday at lunch starting Tuesday, April 9th. Students will gather on the playground at 11:25am, run down Beaufort Trail and return to school to eat their lunch outside. Parents are welcome to join us for a run or to help at a crosswalk along the route. People often use this club to help them train for the Bluenose Run and the Youth Running Series races. If you would like to help or have any questions, please contact Kevin Jager (kjager@armbrae.ns.ca).
The Youth Running Series is a series of 5 running races for children and youth starting this April and ending in October. It is an extremely affordable and fun way to enjoy fitness and competitive running. For every Armbrae student that runs in an event, Armbrae receives a point and if we are one of the top schools participating, there is a school prize!! Please consider checking out the events and registering. Registration is open now and the first race is "Super Shubie" on Sunday, April 28th https://www.youthrunningseries.ca/2024-events
Homestay Opportunity
A female student from China whose family had to return to China for a family emergency is looking for a homestay for the rest of this year and next year. The student is going into Grade 10. For the contact information of the family to arrange further details, please contact Suzanne Morrison, Director of Admissions smorrison@armbrae.ns.ca
Middle School
The 2024 Exam Schedule and summative assessment calendars were shared with students last week and all information is posted on the Advisory pages on Brightspace. If students have any questions they should speak with their advisor.
Throughout the months of April and May, teachers will be supporting students in developing their organizational and study skills ahead of exams during their lessons and Advisory. Those schedules are posted on Brightspace.
Upper School
The 2024 Exam Schedule has been shared with students and is posted on the Upper School Handbook course on Brightspace. If students have any questions they should speak with their advisor, Mr. Maki or Ms. Read.
Throughout the months of April and May, we will be supporting students in developing their organizational and study skills ahead of exams through both Advisory and the Student Success Centre. Lunchtime Sessions organized by Mrs. Sernyk and Mrs. MacIntyre will take place on April 15th, 22nd and 30th.
Auxiliary Department
- Check out what is happening in CAS Newsletter HERE
- Did you know that Armbrae is starting a Rowing Club? Check out details HERE
- If interested in registering email Ms. Ashley by April 26th.
- Jr. Leaders (Grades 6-9) applications will be sent out to students tomorrow (April 18th) if your child is interested in attending the Jr. Leaders session please encourage them to check their email and submit the application form.
Osprey Summer Camps Registration - NOW OPEN!
- Register HERE
- Armbrae Family Discount: WELOVEARMBRAE
- We are excited to offer camps for 10 weeks for Grades PP-8.
- Learn more at ospreycamps.ca
Armbrae Summer Academy Registration - NOW OPEN!
- The Field Hockey Team has been playing well and has 7 wins. Congrats!
- Track and Field Metros are May 13th and May 14th at Beazley Field.
- Flag Football Tournament is May 6th and May 7th.
- Ultimate Frisbee Tournament is on April 30th at Soccer Nova Scotia.
Armbrae Parents’ Association
We are collecting gently used uniform items to sell at future APA uniform sales. If you have any items to donate, please give them to Suzanne Morrison.
We are always looking for volunteers to help with the various events and fundraisers the APA is a part of. Please use the APA Sign-Up Genius to sign up for the following volunteering options:
- Thursday, May 2: Flower sale preparation
- Friday, May 3: Flower Sales for Lower School Plays - 1:30pm and 6:30pm shows
- Saturday, May 4: Mrs. Beazley’s Retirement Party - We need volunteers for a variety of roles: purchasing/picking up liquor, bar set up, bar sales during the event, cleanup
- Friday June 7: Middle School Council End of Year Dance – Chaperones needed
- Tuesday June 18: Osprey Fest, End of year celebration - There are a lot of different volunteer opportunities including:
- Food pickup
- event setup/teardown
- food serving
- games, prizes, etc.)
APA is looking for donations and support for our upcoming events. If you have any connections or interest in donating items we need please email apa@armbrae.ns.ca to let us know what you can contribute or you can sign-up on Sign-Up Genius. We welcome donations in any amount - every little bit helps. We are hoping to get some donations for the following events:
Flower Sales:
- Roses
- Greenery
- Baby’s Breath
- Ribbon
- Floral wrapping paper
Osprey Fest:
- Hamburgers & Buns
- Hot Dogs & Buns
- Ketchup
- Mustard
- Popsicles
- Paper napkins and cups
- Large industrial size BBQ
- Prizes for games
These are the basic necessary food items but if there is something else you would like to donate for the BBQ please let us know and we can tell you how much we will require (e.g. Cheese or other toppings for burgers, sides, etc.). If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to the APA via email: apa@armbrae.ns.ca. Thank you so much!