Dear Parents and Armbrae Community Members:
It’s hard to believe that Upper School exams started today, and that the school year will soon reach its familiar crescendo.
If I could, I’d like to draw your attention to the major event in the month of June, and to give you a heads up on a significant change for Middle School for next year.
Celebration of Learning and Graduation Ceremony
As usual, this year’s Celebration of Learning and Graduation Ceremony will take place at the Rebecca Cohn theatre - on Thursday, June 15th from 5 to 7pm. Dress code for students is their Number 1 Uniform, and please ensure your child wears grey, black or blue socks with black shoes. No white socks and no socks with logos (socks are very visible when the children are on stage, so we need to get this right). We hope to see you there!
Cell/Smart Phones in Middle School
One of our big goals this fall is to create a safe, socially acceptable, smartphone-free culture in our Middle School. We are working with a new partner to help us achieve this goal, and we also need your help. Stephanie has written you a letter that provides more details, and we will circle back on this in advance of the return to School in September.
That’s it from me for now. I’m looking forward to seeing all of you at the Rebecca Cohn on the 15th. In the meantime, please enjoy the rest of this edition.
General Announcements
Tomorrow: The weather is calling for a very hot day tomorrow (32 degrees). Students in Grades P-9 are welcome to wear their Armbrae gym clothes to help try to beat the heat! Students in Grades 10-12 will be writing exams at the University of King’s College in a temperature-controlled environment and should arrive in uniform for their exams. If staying at school for the afternoon to attend office hours and study, they may change into school-appropriate casual clothing for the afternoon.
Uniform Update
If you would like to receive free shipping on your uniform order, place your order by June 15th. Click here for the top marks sizing guide. If you are interested in coming in for a uniform fitting before ordering email
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Monday, June 12th - Grade 6 & 7 Pizza lunch at Conrose
- Monday, June 12th - Grade P - 8 Field Afternoon: House Colours 1:00 - 3:00pm
- Monday, June 12th - Osprey Fest (Spring Fair) 3:00-5:00pm hosted by the APA
- Thursday, June 15th- PrePrimary Graduation at 10:30am in the AARC
- Thursday, June 15th - Full School Graduation 5:00pm (Rebecca Cohn) *Students need to arrive at 4:30 in Number 1 uniform.
Field Afternoon - Monday, June 12th 1:00 - 3:00pm (Grades PS - 8)
Students should come to school dressed in active wear in their house colours to participate in an afternoon of relay races. Students should also bring hats, sunscreen and labelled water bottles.
Division Updates
Foundation Years - Rebecca Cornick
We are looking forward to the End-of-the-Year party and picnic on Friday, June 9th! All PreSchool, PrePrimary and Primary students will be a part of the party and fun! On Thursday, June 15th at 10:30am we welcome all PrePrimary families to attend the PrePrimary Graduation in the AARC. Students should wear their uniforms for the ceremony. All students will be dismissed at 11:30am along with the rest of the school.
Lower School - Tara Burt
Grade 4-6 Dance
We are looking forward to the Grade 4-6 dance on Friday, June 2nd. The dance will be in the AARC from 6:00-8:00pm. Tickets will be available for purchase from May 29th-June 1st in the Lower School Lobby. They will also be available at the door. Tickets will cost $10 and with that students will receive their entrance to the dance, a drink and a treat. Any money left after purchasing supplies will be donated to the Friends of the IWK. The theme for the dance is Hawaiian so break out your flowery dresses, Hawaiian shirts and shorts and leis!
Lower School Field Trips:
As the school year winds down, we are looking forward to our end of year field trips. Please see more detailed information from your child’s homeroom teacher.
- Thursday, June 1st: Grades 3 & 4 to Noggin’s Farm
- Monday, June 5th: Grades 1 & 2 to Hope for Wildlife and Lawrencetown Beach
- Wednesday, June 7th: Grade Primary to Artworks
- Wednesday, June 7th-Friday, June 9th: Grades 5 & 6 to Big Cove
Middle School - Stephanie Sajatovich
There is a lot going on in the Middle School!
We look forward to seeing the prospective Grade 7 parents and students tonight at the Grade 7 Orientation at 6:30pm in the AARC. Good luck to all Middle School students on their exams which start on Friday! We are so proud of all the hard work the students have put into completing their summative assessments. They have produced some outstanding work! You can also find the exam procedures and preparation information slideshows in the Advisory Brightspace pages.
Over the last few months the teachers and I have been trying to find the best way to share photos and videos with you. We are excited to inform you that we are piloting the photo-sharing service Homeroom. You can download the app for iOS or Android or log in directly at to see photos and videos taken over the course of the past school year. You can go to the settings to turn on notifications when a photo has been posted. I will be inviting all parents to Homeroom via email, so please keep an eye on your inbox (and Junk mail). Only teachers can upload videos or photos, so if you have any you would like to share, please send them to your child’s Advisor, as we will continue to add photos over the remaining weeks of school.
Pretty much all of Middle School are heading to Dalhousie’s Agricultural Campus in Truro on Tuesday, June 13th. Students will depart at 8:45am and return between 3:00 - 3:30pm. Thank you to everyone who completed Armbrae’s permission form. Dalhousie University also requires parents to complete a waiver. Please print this waiver and after you complete it return it to Mrs. Sajatovich as soon as possible. I am missing a fair number.
Upper School - Ally Read
Final examinations for Armbrae courses will take place between Wednesday, May 31st and Friday, June 9th in the KTS Lecture Hall at the University of King’s College. The final day of classes and exam schedule will be different based on a student’s grade level and specific courses in their timetable. The Upper School Exam Schedule is available here and can also be found on the Upper School Handbook Course on Brightspace. Exam Procedures can be found here, and have been reviewed with all students.
Good luck to everyone on their final exams!
Athletics - Susan Beazley
Athletic Notes:
- Please return ALL team uniforms to Mrs. Beazley’s office by Friday, June 2, 2023
- Congratulations to our Track and Field team on a successful year and we wish our athletes good luck at Provincials!
- Track & Field Provincials have been postponed. New date TBA.
Auxiliary Programmes - Ashley Matthews-Duffett or 902-471-1993.
You will find all the information you need for Co-curricular programmes, CAS opportunities, camps and more:
- Check out our Newsletter HERE
- Osprey Summer Camp Registration open
- Summer Academy Registration open until June 15th Discount code for Armbrae families SUMMERLEARNING2023